Hoover Air Purifiers

Working with Tattoo Projects on their newest account at the time, Hoover asked us create packaging for their line of air purifiers. After some research we discovered that PURE white boxes became very aged and distressed in a short time while on the shelf at today’s big box stores. So we offered up these 3 designs for the family of cleaners. The light boxes were nearly 30% grey and still achieved a clean bright look without showing dirt and scuffs. The client chose the top left design and we produced packaging for a family of 6 air cleaners. I handled the entire project including all designs, directing the photo shoot, final retouching and final production files for printing.
PS Cleaning Products

PS was a family of cleaning products created by introducing the same formulas hospitals were already using under the Metrex brand. American Home Health was bringing this proven formula to the general consumer with scents added. Months and months of design time and focus groups were dedicated to this process. The client requested spun aluminum containers which were actually very cost effective and surprisingly much more environmentally friendly due to the material was largely recycled from existing post consumer products. The result was elegant, refined and jumped of the shelf as an item you would actually want to display instead of hiding it in a cabinet.

Seabourne Branded Wines

Seabourne Cruises wanted to offer their own “house” wine with their branding utilizing an upscale design worthy of the Seabourne name. While a dozen designs were submitted the final 3 came down to the versions seen here.

Hoover Windtunnel Vacuums

Hoover requested a fresh bright look for the best selling Windtunnel line of vacuums. Research showed the primary buyers (women) responded to faces and children on packaging and men responded to vacuum features. So the end designs (although a bit challenging) covered both.